Monday, August 5, 2019

New Normals

A little dejected today. The last few nights have been rough. Last night wasn't good. Husband is getting very confused on waking and urinating everywhere but the toilet, and doing bizarre things. Last night he fell asleep early and woke needing to use the bathroom, headed straight for the laundry room in the hallway across from our bedroom. Luckily I was awake and managed to redirect him to our master bathroom, but he stopped at the tub and turned on the faucets. He said he needed a shower (we have separate tub and shower), then just stood there uncomfortable before exclaiming "wow I have to pee!". Steered him into the toilet room finally. Then after, he got back into bed and started choking violently and gagging. It was very worrisome and he vomited a little into a container I grabbed. In the confusion, he tipped the container over onto the carpet and spilled it. Got that cleaned up while he watched and didn't say much. 

The apathy erasure in my husband is complete, he doesn't apologize or feel bad that I have to clean up his messes, but I understand and it's ok. I feel this is the beginning of another "new normal" with this stupid FTD. How long will it take to adapt to this one? It took forever to adjust to the mean, angry stage. Funny how we adapt. 

So my plan at this point is to place down towels and/or pads from the bed to the toilet and leave lights on in the toilet room. Hopefully this will help to "guide" him to where he needs to go and he won't get as confused. I've also read that having those little plastic urinals like they use bedside in the hospital can be helpful. Maybe it's time to get some of those as well. 

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